Arise, Awake, and Celebrate: Joining the 100 Nachiketa Club ?

Sisters and Brothers !

Every year this 12th of January nation celebrates it as Youth Day in remembrance of the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda who spread the real avatar of Indian Vedic Culture to the world while delivering his famous speech at the first World’s Parliament of Religions in Chicago on September 11, 1893.

Swami Vivekananda said, ‘Give me a hundred Nachiketa and I will change the world.’

Swamiji asked for a hundred Nachiketa, right?

The Nachiketa who went to Yamaraj and asked for ‘Atmagyan(Atma vidya)’, I think everyone knows. Yama was reluctant to answer this question. He said that this had been a mystery even to the gods. He urged Nachiketa to ask for some other boon, and offered him longevity, progeny, wealth, rulership of a planet of his choice, and all the Apsaras of his choice instead. But Nachiketa replied that material things are ephemeral, and would not confer immortality. So, no other boon would do.

The youth having characters like this Nachiketa can change the world.

The youth who never deviates from his Goal for the sake of material things. Such 100 youth together can change anything in the world.

I think the real celebration for this youth day is that we become this Nachiketa for Swamiji.

Would you like to be in that 100 Nachiketa Club?

If yes,
Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached. (- Swami Vivekananda.)

If you have Goal, stop not till the goal is reached.
But If you have not set yet,

Arise, awake. Pick one Goal, work hard for achieving that goal.

Remember Nachiketa haven’t materialistic goal in his life. Goal must be above these materialistic things. Your goal must have an impact on you as a better person and onto society as well.

What can we do for a more meaningful celebration of the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda ?

Well, here are a few activities listed:
👉🏽Visit nearby R K Mission Books gallery, read some content related to Swamiji’s Life. I also recommend you to read the lectures of Swami Vivekananda.
👉🏽If you already know a few things about Swami Vivekananda, share with your nearby people what you loved about Swamiji. How he inspired you to be a better person. Share his life incidents.
👉🏽Watch this (Source: Youtube: @chennaimath)

Let’s celebrate this youth day like we are little Vivekananda.

Think like Vivekanand. Be the best version of you.

See you in the next post!
Cheers! 🎉

Team Nesswill.

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